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Facts revealed in the information disclosure trial

① The fact that the Accident Investigation Committee had secretly returned the voice recorder and flight recorder, which were important evidence, to Japan Airlines

② The ruling was that there was no obligation to disclose information because Japan Airlines was a semi-public, semi-private, national policy company at the time of the accident, but is now a private company.

③ According to the settlement record at that time, the opponent in the lawsuit was Boeing, and Japan Airlines did not participate in the hearing, but only attended on the final day as an interested party.

④ There was no hearing on the "abnormal external force application point" written in the supplement to the accident investigation report, and no explanation of this fact was given to the surviving family members.

⑤ The facts that were newly discovered from 1985 to the publication of the "Accident Investigation Supplement" in 2013 were completely ignored, and the settlement clauses were so elaborate that Ms.Kibi was given an unjust ruling that "it's over because we settled."

Japan Airlines arbitrarily manipulated its obligation to disclose information as a public transportation company and did not tell the surviving family members inconvenient facts. The fact that the company involved in the accident will keep the evidence and not disclose it forever is unacceptable not only to the bereaved families both in Japan and overseas, but also to the people of Japan as a country governed by laws.

【Our role for the future】

① In order to uncover the truth about JAL Flight 123, Japan Airlines should release the voice recorder to the public!

② The wreckage of the aircraft should be salvaged from Sagami Bay!

③ Japan Airlines should donate the voice recorder to the National Archives as a vital role of public transportation!

At the very least, these three things must be realized to prevent a recurrence.

Furthermore, we will hold the Japan Transport Safety Board, an external bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, accountable for leaving the matter unattended for 39 years without conducting a reinvestigation. This is a serious dereliction of duty, which also amounts to an abandonment of duty, and they continue to abandon their responsibility to the bereaved families, survivors, and related parties both in Japan and overseas. This is clearly wrong. Therefore, we would like to work together with members of the Diet and the public to uncover the truth.

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